A review by em_thebookish_girl
House of Dragons by K.A. Linde


This is my first read by K.A. Linde and it most certainly won't be the last! I've heard great things about her work, and I was excited to start off this series, hence I haven't read a fantasy read in a while! It's an epic fantasy read, with a lot of twist and turns! A fantastic storyline and I loved how it flowed! If you enjoy reads with action and a bit of romance; faes, dragons and magic, then you definitely need to read this book! House of Dragons is book #1 in The Royal House series; a perfect series for Sarah J Maas and Holly Black fans. The heroine, Kerrigan is a great character! She's adventurous, fearless, strong willed and caring of friends/loved ones. But she's also reckless, and sometimes her actions have consequences. And then we have Prince Fordham Ollivier, heir to the House of Shadows. He's mysterious, moody, arrogant and downright dangerous. But that's just the surface, there's more to him than meets the eye. Because of his reputation everyone fears him, hence they steer clear from his path. Kerrigan is the only person who's able to stand up to Fordham; she isn't afraid of him. Yes, he has a foul mouth and insults her constantly, but she's witty and with her quick thinking she retorts rapidly. Yet, she can't seem to help herself, she's fascinated and curious about the dark prince. They are baffled, because Kerrigan and Fordham can't seem to understand the connection they have. When a terrible incident occurs Kerrigan needs to investigate, but she's racing against time. When Fordham offers assistance she's surprised, to say the least. And an unlikeliest alliance is formed between a Shadow prince and a half-fae. I really enjoyed seeing Kerrigan and Fordham's relationship developing throughout the book!

Kerrigan is trying to find her place in life; she's half-human and half-fae.  Because of her heritage, Kerrigan, lives anonymously; half-faes are lesser and they are persecuted. But unlike her other fellow half-faes and humans Kerrigan is able to wield all four elements of magic, she's special and unique. Dropped (or more like lefted) on the footsteps of Draco Mountain ten years ago, Kerrigan was taken in by the "House of Dragons" an elite training program for faes. When a student turns seventeen he/she is chosen by one of the twelve tribes of Alandria to enter Society "a ruling class".  Every five years, a tournament is hosted where all twelve tribes get to together; a contestant is chosen to represents their tribe in this tournament. The winners of each event not only wins a dragon, but a place in the Society. But danger looms over the tournament, or more like Kerrigan's life is in danger.

**I received an ARC ecopy in exchange for my honest review