A review by noshinswag
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn


Flynn is incredible at writing many characters, scenarios and connecting them in complex ways. I often try to imagine myself creating a piece of media myself when I indulge in it, and with this book I don't think I could.

Author is very good at writing pure negative vibes. Everytime I picked up this book, no matter what mood I was in, I could feel the dread. My favorite thing about this book I would say.

But that was really it. It was a shame because you could do so much with the sense of dread, write some good, gory, horror. But the plot never interested me.

I started this book for the shocking twist I was promised. Twist was not shocking, but rather a little predictable, and boring.

Lots of subplots here I didn't care about.

Main character was a little insufferable, especially at the beginning. Got better as the book went on. I liked how I could feel her character development(if that's what was intended).

Liked the
part. Wished she did the whole ending better so that the
Spoilerivory floor
part felt more shocking.

I usually love complicated mother-daughter relationships in media, since I relate to them in some way. This, however, felt too exaggerated to feel real. Most of the relationships and characters did too, which is why I couldn't connect to any of them. Every character was cynical and negative and 2 dimensional.

Was unnecessarily sexist and objectifying at times. I was surprised it wasn't written by a man.

Overall, I(mostly) loved her writing, but not the story, it's characters, or it's ending.