A review by vivalibrarian
Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly


A fierce re-imagining of the fairy tale Cinderella from the viewpoint of one of the ugly stepsisters, Isabella. She's cut off her toes to appease her mother and still didn't get the prince. Unbeknownst to Isabella her fate has long been wrapped up (literally) but a charmer named Chance (get it, do you get i?) has stolen her map from the Fates. With only a few days left to her fated life, Chance is determined to help Isabella change her course. Isabella is her own worst enemy here and is a bubbling cauldron of anger, resentment and sadness as her family is left in ruins, her childhood best friend and love of her life abandons her and the epitome of everything she will never be-her stepsister Cinderella-is now queen.

Whew. This was gorgeous. I love, love, love the deep dive into Isabella and all the influences that have made her so unhappy and jealous including society itself. It takes a lot to push her in the right direction and it is a painful transition for all involved but that is where the beauty lies. A fierce, sarcastic, feminist, warrior, power was always inside of you story with a great build. I just loved it.

“The feeling that you want to own someone body and soul, spirit them away from everyone else, have them all to yourself forever and ever and ever,” Hugo said dreamily. “It’s called love.”
“No, it’s called kidnapping,” said Tavi.