A review by syapotter
The One With The Engagement Party by Erin Lawless


I received the ARC from Harper Impulse via Netgalley in exchange of honest reviews. All opinions are mine.

This is the first part of a four-part novella in which Nora had just gotten engaged to her long-time bestfriend, Harry, and had appointed four of her close friends, Bea, Cleo, Daisy and Sarah, to be her bridesmaids. Each of the novella will focus on different aspects of a wedding from getting the dress, hen weekend and actually getting married. After reading this first installment, I am definitely excited for the next series to be released.

I've always thought it's either a hit or a miss when you read a novella because sometimes it's hard to put in too much details or you put in too much details that it gets messy. However, this novella by Erin Lawless is definitely a hit for me. I love the set-up of the series that makes me want to know more about each of the characters and not just the bride even though naturally, the bride takes center stage.

It might feel that nothing much is happening in this novella (basically it was just Nora and Harry getting engaged and the bridal party and groomsmen prepare for the engagement party) but I felt that it provides a good background story for all of their pasts to come together, like how they first started to be friends with each other and essentially how they are all connected. I thought that it was brilliant that each of the bridesmaids have a different story of how they were connected to Nora and it was nice that each was written in different parts of the novella instead of one shot. If this was written as a full-length novel, this novella does serve its purpose of telling the background story of each of the characters.

Another thing that I also love is the little snippets of story by brides at the beginning of each chapter. I thought that was brilliant and I loved reading through those bits. I thought it was a nice addition to the story.

One thing to note though, there are many characters and it can get quite hard to wrap your head around it but as you go along, you would just remember the characters because I thought they were nicely developed so far and I hope to see some kind of progression in their characters in the upcoming novellas, especially that of Cleo and Gray. :)