A review by karen_hallam
The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser


When the Vanderbeeker children of 141 Street in Harlem discover their landlord isn’t renewing the lease, they strike out with inventive ways to convince him otherwise. Only he isn’t going to be easy to convince, he never leaves his third-floor apartment, and he’s grouchy and scary.

It’s Christmastime in the city. Mr. Vanderbeeker calls a meeting and explains to his five biracial children, along with their dog, a cat, and house rabbit that they have to leave the neighborhood they’ve grown up in. The friendly neighborhood where they know every clerk and shop owner. It’s the worst time to be homeless.

Distraught beyond comprehension, one by one, each of the five Vanderbeeker children, Oliver, the twins Jessie and Isa, and Laney and Hyacinth come up with clever ideas that are sure to melt the landlord, Mr. Beiderman’s heart. Only nothing works, even when the entire neighborhood signs a petition to help save their home.

It’s an all-out love assault. But will anything stop the Beiderman?

Such a delightful and heartwarming story that reminded me of the feeling I had reading books as a child. A classic. Each of the Vanderbeeker’s children will find their way into your heart with their charms and creativity. I’m looking forward to the next book in this series, The Vanderbeekers and the Hidden Garden. (Sept. 25, 2018)