A review by cathepsut
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My first silent comic. Didn't even know they exist. More of a picture book, really. Unusual page layout. Some black and white pages, some pages are with vibrant line art in primary colours on black backgrounds.

Our little hero strongly reminded me of the Moomins.


He has a sword and a map and is off on a quest! He makes a friend, gets chased by monsters and meets many strange creatures...


Our two little main characters are quite blood thirsty, they put the sword to good use. Despite that I would read this with children, I think they would like it just as much as I did.

Try not to read the blurb, it gives away too much. This is nicer to look at with a little mystery left. The plot is straight forward and minimalistic, but combined with the beautiful, childlike artwork this is an enchanting little piece. The creatures made me smile, I enjoyed this quite a bit.

I received this free e-copy from the publisher/author via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review, thank you!