A review by emsemce123
How to Invent Everything: A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler by Ryan North

adventurous funny informative inspiring lighthearted medium-paced


Loved this. Discovered it while reading This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal Al-Mohtar and Max Gladstone and thought, "with a title like that, I have to check it out." It's my favorite combination of funny and informative. Really interesting stuff and a great topic I'm sure we've all thought about in way or another at some point or another. How stuff is invented or made. I've actually talked with friends about this, how technology was invented centuries ago (i.e. the telescope) that you would think it would just be common knowledge today and yet it's not. Could be it's obsolete and we don't need to but I'm sure knowing the science behind it would help. That's what this book teaches you. Survival techniques, what basic resources make up modern food and medicine, farming, tools, things we'd overlook without even thinking about. (Language, reading, and writing) And all of it is presented in fairly easy to understand text, admittedly some stuff lost me or was hard to pay attention to it as it wasn't the most interesting to me. (Mathematics and Logic) and some stuff that I did find interesting but want an even more detailed lesson on. Highly recommend for anyone who's even slightly curious in anything.