A review by treborc29
Gotta Get Theroux This: My Life and Strange Times in Television by Louis Theroux


A great autobiography and I recommend buying it in audiobook form, if only for the funny voices Theroux does for all the different characters he talks about.

There are at least three chapters based around Jimmy Savile and Theroux's relationship with him and it comes quite close to becoming a book about their relationship, rather than Theroux's career. Fortunately, though, there's more than enough other material in the book to keep it on track.

He's very open and honest about his past mistakes in his previous and current marriages, and how he felt about the miscarriages that he and his wife went through. These are the most personal bits of the book and you see him at his most raw, before returning to the subject of whichever TV shows he was making next (which seems to resemble his attitude in real life, at that time).

Also, it's easy to view Theroux as an overnight sensation who just popped up out of nowhere but his climb up the ladder, through working for small magazines and being taken under Michael Moore's wing, is actually very admirable and shows how he did, in fact, work his backside off to get where he is today and how he very much earned his spot as one of the top documentary makers of the 21st Century.