A review by thebookishattitude
Beneath the Stars by A.L. Jackson


Amor, Amor, Amor

Rhys and Maggie weren't what I was expecting, I might be a part of A.L Jackson's ARC team, but for the end of Carolina George, I stayed away from knowing anything. I went in head first. Their story was a something I wanted to experience without the spoilers.,
And honestly, I was not expecting the emotions that rocked me within this book.
You know Maggie's past, it's been written once before in her big brother Royce's book, but to feel the pain she still holds from those events and how much of an empath her character is... Heart strings, Torn.

Al Jackson has a way with making hearts bleed all over the floor and piecing them back together again. I've been really critical of reviews lately cause I was book slumping hard, but Al Jackson put together one of her most broken females to date with probably her second strongest male (in this series) to make them both a little less broken and it was actually beautiful.

I'm yet to find another author that can write Rock/Country bands as well as she can. Which leads me to my side note; I'm hoping Mel gets her own book and we see a Riot of Roses in their own stories sometime soon,