A review by gen_wolfhailstorm
Kiss by Jacqueline Wilson


Wow... This brings back memories. This is the only book I have EVER read a second time (granted I was in dire need of some new reading material and I hadn't read this for a good few years beforehand). With most of Wilson's books, I find, they seem very 'child-friendly' when you read them as a child... I mean, why wouldn't they... They are directed at children... But when you read them later on in life, like I have done with this novel, you notice that between the lines are some very deep and controversial issues and it's much MUCH more darker than you could ever have thought in your younger years when everything was pretty much colourful and lovely.

This book beautifully tackles homosexuality and the romantic love a best friend feels for a boy that you would never think children could be going through... Could... Never have these types of emotion, even, so a very interesting storyline for a 'children's' book I think you'd agree.

I feel that this book, in particularly, really gives young children an insight that it's okay to feel a certain way and that it's okay to love even though you are young... And although you might 'grow' out of it, so to speak, it's not wrong, even as a child, to feel a certain way. I think this novel really says this subtly to a child because when I first read this I did feel euphoria in the sense that I could be myself and it would be okay, then going back to it many years later I realized there is so much more to this story and the feeling I got after I first read it was just a child-friendly watered down version of it. (Okay,, maybe 'euphoria' is too strong of a word. :P )

If you were ever a fan of Jacqueline Wilson's work as a child, I'd strongly recommend going back to them later on in life so you can really understand what she was getting at all along. The first books I think you should go through with a fine-toothed comb are Kiss (of course) and My Sister Jodie.

This is my first time writing a very detailed review here on Goodreads so it's not perfect, but I tried to speak more about the writer's meanings and ways to give out a message rather than go into depths of the actual story.

Pick it up, give it a go and enjoy. :)
