A review by hana15
Cheese in the Trap, Season 4 by Soonkki


Story: 10 out of 10
Art: 9.4 out of 10
Overall rating: 10 out of 10

This was my first webtoon. I started this back in 2016 but then didn't continue after chapter 20.
I am glad that I went back and read, even though it is late. Because it is one of the best webtoons I ever had the opportunity to read. There is not a single panel in this webtoon that isn't relevant.
This is a story that you have to binge read to fully understand the amount of planning the author has done. everything is relevant, everything comes back, in the end, to make the story complete.
When I got to season 4 and suddenly everything starts to make sense, you have that big brain moment and it is one of the best feelings in n the world.
I really really enjoyed it.