A review by kaity_b
Crazy for Loving You: A Bluewater Billionaires Romantic Comedy by Pippa Grant


This was a rough one to read. I haven't ready any of Pippa Grant's books before, but if it is anything like this one I don't think it will work for me.

I wanted to like this book since Daisy is very free spirited and takes no crap from anyone. I think that the voice that she had throughout the other books and the voice she had in this book were a little off. I mean yes she is a little out there, but her self confidence is very low, which I understand, but throughout the book it didn't seem to get any better.

Also the biggest thing that bugged the ever loving crap out of me was the amount of times that Westly was talking to his nuts... Yes you read that right... he was talking to his ball sac, at first I thought that was funny, but after probably the 5th time on the same page it got real old real fast. Then it went on for the duration of the ENTIRE book that I had to skim over that because it drew me out of the book. I don't know if that is something that Pippa does in her other books, but it's not something I can take seriously for the whole book, I get he was horny and hasn't had a good boning in a long time, but that doesn't mean he needs to talk to his balls about it on the daily.

We also had some unresolved questions that weren't answered like:
Spoilerwhy Westly only goes for single mom's.. unless I skimmed over that... I don't think that it was states. What Daisy's true eye and hair color are (if they were both brown that one scene with her dressing up for the social worker and Westly saying he hates brown hair and brown eyes on her is an ouch)

I get it with some romcom's that the authors really go for the comedy aspect and lose the plot or purpose of the story. I feel like there has to be a balance with reality and the craziness that the authors can take. That could be a personal opinion, but I think that if she added some more reality and made it so Daisy could have a real conversation for 10 minutes that would make it better. I feel like they fell in love so quickly and they didn't have a serious conversation.

Overall it was an okay book, I wanted to finish out this series and I feel like this should not have been their last book, I think that the strongest one was the second one with Cam.