A review by bookingbonkers
Corvidae by Rhonda Parrish


Corvidae is a collection of short stories and poems that are based around crows, ravens, magpies and various other Corvids.

This book has been put together and edited really well as all the stories and poem have the same other worldy, ethereal and magical feel. The stories within are not predictable tales and are almost as poetic as the poems the book contains. These are definitely a group of tales of the unexpected. The stories are very imaginative and are woven together in such a way that you feel like you are reading a magic spell.

If I had to choose my favourites it would be Visiting Hours by Michael S Pack as it is such a tender and heartbreaking tale. I would also choose Raven No More by Adria Laycraft. I enjoyed the darkness and revenge of this one. I felt that both of these stories could have been fleshed out a bit more into great novels.

A Mischief of Seven by Leslie Van Zwol is another stories that I feel could have been a bigger, more detailed novel. It left me wanting to know more details and follow the story. I feel this one has a lot of potential for its own series.

The Valvran by Megan Fennell is also an interesting one. It has a medieval feel to it and a legend within the story that is quite captivating.

Sanctuary by Laura Van Arendonk Baugh has a paranormal element to it and is also quite a tender caring tale that is quite touching and heartfelt.

The Tell Tale Heart of Existence by Michael M Rader is a dark tale of a student and their teacher that I found darkly humourous!

Collections like these are a great way of discovering new authors and talent and there are definitely a few to watch out for in this book. The theme is an interesting one and also provides a bit of education as I did not realise that all the birds mentioned are related.

The styles of writing are quite different considering the similar subject matter and that is what keeps the stories interesting even though you are reading about the same subject. I took a short break between each one as it made it easier to grasp the following stories and its switch in style, tempo and setting. Poetry is not really my thing but the poems contained in this book are writing quite beautifully that I found myself mulling them over before moving on to the next section and, on occasion, re-reading some of them.

If you enjoy dark, fantasy novels, this anthology will appeal to you a lot. And if you want to try reading this genre, this collection is a good place to start.