A review by liisp_cvr2cvr
Night by Night by Jack Jordan


True to Jack Jordan style, he knocks it out of the park again with a story that is utterly gripping and, excuse the cliché, unputdownable! Talk about a racy read! I was really grumpy that I had to stop every now and again, and heaven’s forbid, go to work. All you bookworms know what this feels like- utter torture!

True to Jack Jordan style, there was yet again quite a few moving pieces that I couldn’t wait to see fall into place: the insomniac housewife, her own grief and family-life shrouded in suffocating darkness; the local police force that may or may not be quite bloody questionable; the mystery of a journal filled with someone’s most agonizing thoughts that would scare anyone; the motive! Man, always the motive! And what a motive Night by Night delivers!

I really don’t know how all the different threads simply fit so perfectly in this story- Jordan is a magician with words, with storylines, with the ability to captivate! I am seriously fan-girling here, by the way!

And you’ll have to know that Jordan’s books are never a superficial reading experience with the aim to simply make that heart beat faster in your chest with a bit of action and who dunnit. Jordan’s stories always have an important societal element or two to them. This is how these books can become relatable for many, and important, and difficult to read, as is the case with Night by Night. But true to Jack Jordan style – there will be no pussyfooting around a topic. It’s as realistic and as horrible as it has to be… because this is how things are sometimes! Snippets of reality, of someone’s most unbearable days have been put to paper. Reading about Rose’s insomnia made my chest ache! Reading about Finn’s situation, a situation that is way bigger than you can ever imagine, made me anxious and frustrated because- what the fffuuuuu!

And this makes me think that Jordan has become a bit of an advocate through the thriller, through suspense, through his books- to raise awareness! Awareness around mental health, and people being able to hide so much pain and suffering under their straining smile. Or, the fact that when someone is not coping, then it doesn’t give anyone a green light to automatically judge without knowing the circumstances. Night by Night really took the lifestyle that many of us think of as their main goal in life and showed the reader the ugly side of it. On high horses, with a bit of power- we get blind or dangerous… hmm…

I have read EVERY Jack Jordan book published. I have LOVED each of them for their own specific reasons. I will CONTINUE to read anything that Jordan writes and shares with the readers because – damn! DAMN! – I can’t get enough! Um, yes- GET. THIS. BOOK! Liz over and out