A review by claudia_is_reading
The Golden House by Salman Rushdie


A novel filled with literary and mythological references, ironic and peppered with social commentary, this is not an easy or relaxed read. But I loved most of it, yes, even when I had to go hunting for some of the aforementioned references *laughs*

This is a book that pokes fun at the American Dream,  social conventions, religion and politics. It's riddled with sarcasm and questions everything while still having a firm stand on those issues. 
”Sometimes, watching him, I thought of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster, a simulacrum of the human that entirely failed to express any true humanity.” 
Yeah, we get it, you despise the man. And I agree although it's quite obvious that a lot of people in the USA weren't :P

Surrealist and almost a stream of consciousness the story of Nero's family in this new land is fascinating, painful and dreamy. 

And the cinema references, Oh, I love them SO much!

So yes, I really, really liked it :D