A review by midnightpoison13
Panic by Lauren Oliver


"Panic" by Lauren Oliver is a gripping and intense read that kept me hooked from beginning to end. Oliver's talent for crafting suspenseful narratives shines through in this novel, which explores the lengths to which people will go when pushed to their limits.

I was impressed by the concept of Panic, a high-stakes game that tests the bravery and resilience of its participants. The tension is palpable throughout the story, and I found myself eagerly turning the pages to see what would happen next.

The characters are well-developed and relatable, each grappling with their own fears and insecurities. While I appreciated the depth of their emotions, there were moments when certain character motivations felt a bit predictable or clichéd.

Additionally, while the pacing of the novel is generally strong, there were times when the story felt bogged down by unnecessary subplots or repetitive scenes. However, these instances were few and far between, and overall, the plot flowed smoothly.

In conclusion, "Panic" is a thrilling and thought-provoking read that will appeal to fans of suspense and drama. While it may not be without its flaws, it offers a compelling exploration of fear, friendship, and the courage to face the unknown.