A review by ilyarozanov123
Operation Meet Cute by K.M. Neuhold


1.5 stars. Ugh, no. I thought it might have been fun from the summary, but instead it was this clicheé, eye-roll inducing, annoying thing that never seemed to end. I didn’t like Harlow at all, finding him to be a selfish ass. The meet-cute obsession he had made me cringe. I felt bad for Teddy, who deserved better but was mostly a doormat. It was all utterly predictable. “Laugh out loud moments”? More like loud exclamations of “are you kidding me???” whenever it took the next stupid turn.

This author has been a hit or miss for me from the start, but unfortunately more on the miss side lately. It’s probably going to be a while until I dare to pick up another one because this one really put me off.