A review by blake_persephone
Weaveworld by Clive Barker


DNF 300 pages in

Man this one made me sad :(

The world is breaming with imagination, the mythos is great and the writing itself has talent of course.

But the protagonists, man the protagonists. They are insanely boring and flat and dumb. Pathetic too tho in different ways.

They’re constantly being defeated and humiliated which I wouldn’t mind if it weren’t the results of the good guys being continually stupid for…plot convenience I suppose.

Cal is powerless at least 300 pages in and there’s only as many times you can see a man get trounced before you’re like “okay you’re a fucking loser”.

Suzanna has a very convenient power that is extremely strong but only seems to work
When the story needs it to work.

Also this is totally my fault but I thought this was an adult portal dark fantasy but it isn’t, at least 300 pages in most of the action has happened in our world.

I will say Immocalata was such an interesting character so Barker can write them just didn’t want to here I guess.

I think instead of the characters this should have really been world building and atmosphere, an almost fairy tale myth.

Still I consider it part of the fantasy canon and so I would check it out and see if it works better for you.