A review by thecatwood
Comment Comprendre Israël En 60 Jours, Ou Moins by Sarah Glidden


IM SO TORN. The watercolor art, first off, is top notch and lovely. The story, Glidden's travel memoir of a Jewish Birthright tour through Israel, is fascinating. But I found Glidden to be an unsympathetic, at times irritating narrator- I perceived a frustrating sense of superiority in her judgement/distance from many of her other tour mates (how she was asked to design a tour group sweatshirt, bitched about it, and then refused to order one, for example) because she had loftier reasons for touring... that is, attempting to affirm her political beliefs of the Palestine/Israel situation. While she does ultimately conclude the situation is far more complicated than she could've ascertained from her home in the US, her attitude never really resolves enough for me to sympathize.