A review by jellifysh
The Brass Queen by Elizabeth Chatsworth


I read The Brass Queen back in December, and, to be honest, I don't remember too much about the story.

In The Brass Queen, wanna-be/have-to-be socialite Constance is secretly also a super machine engineer who creates guns, gadgets and even Jaegers like from Pacific Rim, which is cool since The Brass Queen is a steampunk novel. Her scientists get kidnapped, which kicks the plot in motion. There's also some American dude she falls in love with, which is somehow vital to the story.
Unfortunately, now that I think back to it, the steampunk was more of a stylistic choice than really thought out, and there's also magic for some reason which is explained as inventions and such, I believe. But I could be wrong because I'm painfully bad at remembering books I read.

It's a very enjoyable book, especially if you don't look too close on the science behind it. And there's also a dope AF golfing/polo event happening in the book! The romance was a bit too main-focus for me, personally, but the book was still fun while it lasted.
It also gives me major [b:Soulless|6381205|Soulless (Parasol Protectorate, #1)|Gail Carriger|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1314020848l/6381205._SY75_.jpg|6569140] vibes, which is my favourite steampunk series ever.

@NetGalley and CamCat Publishing: Thank you guys for this ARC!