A review by shells
Her Wiccan, Wiccan Ways by Traci E. Hall, Traci Hall


This book was a free download. That being said, I'm really glad I did not pay for it. And had it not been free to begin with, I probably would not have even considered it.
I'm a sucker for paranormal, magic, demons, etc.
But the main character in this story turned me off, from the first word out of her mouth. She is a whiny, complaining, ungrateful, child. I could deal with that, as someone that I would have guessed to be 10 years old would be like that if she'd had everything handed to her in life, and then was suddenly uprooted from that life.
However, imagine my surprise when I found out she was 14! A Freshman in high school! Yeah, there would be some whining from a 14 year old, but not to the extreme this girl does. And yes, I'm aware it's a young adult book, however, that doesn't really mean a thing. Many YA books are very well written and worth reading.
But I kept reading, because I hate to not finish a book. And sometimes they can redeem themselves. The story was, meh, it had me hooked enough to want to know the answer, although I had it figured out eons before the character did. And there was some character development, but then she'd backtrack to her old ways and disappoint me.
There is a book 2. I have no intention of reading beyond book 1. If you're 10, you might enjoy this. As a young adult, avoid it if you have intelligence. And an adult, avoid it altogether.