A review by ametakinetos
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine


Only 24 years late to the party...

Absolutely delightful. Absorbed it in two sittings. I think as much as pop culture is inundated with rags-to-riches and princess stories, there is still something in me that loves when it is done correctly. Also loving the fact that this is a YA novel actually designed for the lower end of the demographic, instead of the explicit content marketed for the entire age group yet barely suitable for even the eldest.

Would I have enjoyed this more in my younger years? Probably. But happy to have finally had the chance now.

SpoilerAll y'all doing fancasts or posting pics from the movie - listen. Love Hugh Dancy as much as the next babe, but Char is clearly stated in the book to be "swarthy" and dark-skinned. A faithful movie adaptation with literally any one of the talented dark-skinned young actors kicking around these days would be *chef's kiss*