A review by kelleemoye
The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis


The Taliban has been in full control of Kabul, Afghanistan for years now. Because of this take-over, girls are no longer allowed to go to school, women must wear burqas when they leave the house only accompanied by men, and all females in general are pretty much stuck in their homes. The heroine of this novel, Parvana, wants more than anything to be a normal girl again, but for now she much be happy with going to the marketplace daily with her father. Even this small amount of happiness is taken from her, though, when her father is arrested for attending a university in Britain. With him gone, how are Parvana and her family going to survive without a male?

This book taught me about Afghan history and culture. I did not know the extent of the war and terror. I am grateful for Parvana and her family for showing me their life.