A review by aimshea
Unbound: A Woman’s Guide To Power by Kasia Urbaniak


Whoa. This book.

I'm always hesitant about a book that claims to be a guide to something. We all have different ways we move through the world and the one-size-fits-all approach doesn't appeal to me. But Urbaniak isn't trying to make women feel like that have to fit into a man's world or relinquish any of their femininity. In fact, she is simply trying to help women dig into what they truly want and understand that they don't have to feel guilty for wanting it. Beyond that, she gives strategic ways women can ask for what they want. She reminds us that there is power in begging and demanding. The techniques in this book are wild and I can see where some may say they are over the top but I think Urbaniak just wants women to understand the spectrum of our emotions. Feel the tug between empathy and rage, two words not normally put together but describe what it feels like to navigate this world at times.