A review by itputsthebookupontheshelf
The Replacement Wife by Darby Kane


This was one of my most anticipated books and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to read this one ahead of the gang. While I didn't love this one quite as much as Kane's last book, I was still fully enthralled in the story. At no point did I want to put this one down, there was always something happening to keep me at the edge of my seat.

I'm all for any book with an unreliable narrator and this one definitely fit the bill! While I did in my mind figure out what was actually going on, there were still surprising parts and parts that I wasn't 100% on, But the way Kane keeps throwing the punches and miss directions is really the key ingredient to this story.

The characters were great! I loved the "backstories", the current happenings and how crazy all of them seemed. The only character I really didn't love was the husband, though I can understand SOME of his reasoning and worry, I also hated him for always blaming Elisa.

Josh is in every way unlikable and I was here for it. I despised him, but in a good way. He's the epitamy of a character you love to hate and he played the perfect role the entire time. Rachel, Josh's current love interest keeps you on your toes as well, though she was less of mystery to me for most of it. I did like all the up and down with her, through the story you can't really tell who's side she's really on.

Though not quite up to par with Pretty Little Wife, this one still rates high in my book and has made Kane an auto_-buy author for me!