A review by looseleafellie
Dream Country by Ashaye Brown


Hey friends, wanna take a sibling rivalry and dial it up to 11? And frame it all with some intricate mythology and a dash of murder mystery? WELL let me tell you all about the wild ride that Dream Country by Ashaye Brown just took me on!

The book centers around three Major gods -- Theo the god of sleep, Fanta the goddess of dreams, and Tores the god of nightmares. I loved all three of these characters for their complex and deeply flawed natures. Theo is a soft bean who needs to believe in himself. Fanta is generally distrustful of everyone, which manifests in her being delightfully mean sometimes.

And Tores. Oh, my misunderstood, misguided Tores. I can't say too much about him cause of spoilers, but suffice to say he was my favorite character by sheer virtue of being A Complete Disaster. If you like complex morally gray characters, this is definitely a book you should pick up!

Gotta be honest, I usually have a hard time getting into high fantasy because of the intense worldbuilding. But not only did Ashaye Brown do a GREAT job of weaving the information in as needed, the writing was super smooth and kept me whizzing through the pages.

If anything, I might have liked a little *more* description of the different realms, but honestly I'm here for the story and not the pretty word pictures so it wasn't a big deal to me.

The ending of this book pretty clearly sets it up for a sequel, and honestly I can't even be mad at the cliffhanger because it was done REALLY well. There's a twist at the end that had been hinted at throughout the story, so when it came I was both mind-blown and felt very clever for having kind of seen it coming. Basically, I NEED the second book NOW!