A review by sap4f8ad
Princess Mermaid by Junko Mizuno


I really wanted to like this book. I had looked forward to reading Junko Mizuno for such a long time. But I was severely disappointed.

The first thing that struck me was how ugly the book was. The font is totally out of place and the overall design seems lazy and sloppy. Also the paper is of very poor quality which makes the colors dull.

The second think is the story. It is very flimsy and a lot of the things that happen or are said feels out of place and unecessary. I don't know if the translation is bad or something. But my biggest issue with this book is how it deals with the issue of rape. I understand that it is supposed to be a gory book, but I feel that is not reason enough to deal solightly with such a serious and sensitive topic.
Especially when it comes to the relationship between the main character Julie and her love interest Suekichi. The first thing he does when they meet is to try and rape her. In the next scene they are lovers and she wants to marry him. That is just too far a stretch.

But I did love the art, it is gorgeous. And the color schemes are beautiful even though I feel that they would look nicer if they had used better paper.