A review by sophieskilling
To the End of the World: Travels with Oscar Wilde by Rupert Everett


very sad to be giving this book anything less than 5 stars tbh bc i thought i was going to love it!! a book about an actor i like making a film about a writer we’re both obsessed with?? what could be better!! 

unfortunately me and this book just didn’t click. i enjoyed rupert everett’s writing voice - his personality very much comes across in his words - but i felt like it got bogged down a lot in describing locations that we only spent two minutes in anyway. and there were a few uhhhhh questionable comments made that really reminded me that rupert everett is very much man of a certain age. also he doesn’t use enough commas for my liking, to the point where i was having to reread sentences multiple times to work out the rhythm bc a lack of a comma was mucking me up 

there were parts of this book i loved!! i just wish i had loved the whole thing!! sorry rupert 

here’s a quote early on that i very much enjoyed (and hoped would be the vibe of the full thing): “If the only role I was permitted to play in world cinema was the gay best friend, then I would take it all the way back to the prototype.”