A review by bookishmeg48
Crux Untamed by Tillie Cole


Rating: 3.5 Stars

Crux Untamed is book 6 of the Hades Hangmen series. I loved this book but I feel like Sia, Hush and Cowboy deserved a little more.

It seemed like all Cowboys time and energy went into Hush and Sia. Who takes care of him? I know as much as the man plays it off with winks and smiles, he has feelings, emotions and a past too. I feel like I didn’t really get to know him on the same level as the other two. He literally got kidnapped with Sia and everything about him just got swept under the rug. Where is his healing and path to forgiveness? I want to know more about him, his past, and his depth. I just wanted to know him.

We got all the gory details of Sia and Hush’s life and they were both tragic. I hate what they both went through but I’m glad they all three found each other. The trust, vulnerability and the openness between them took awhile to come around. There was an emotional depth their but I feel like they deserved more.

I feel like Tillie missed an opportunity to not give Cowboy and Hush a deeper bond. It was there, you could feel it in the works but it never quite reached its full potential. I feel like there should of been more between the two of them. You could just feel it sizzling and I kept waiting on them to just be more but it never happened. I’m not saying they should of been bumping but I think they should of been more loving towards each other; holding each other, kissing, I don’t know just more.

Crow, I love his character, good man. Maybe we will get more of him as the series continues. Titus got what he deserved but I feel like Styx should of let the two Cajun brothers have a go at him before shooting him. He got off too easy.

It was nice to see the diablos helping our Hangmen first with Phebe, then to get Cowboy and Sia back.

I was sad we didn’t get as much from the MC club in this book. These three are away from the clubhouse for the majority of the story. I missed all my favs.

I did however love when Madds opened up to Sia at Lilah’s house. When she was talking about being with both Cowboy and Hush and how everyone would react to the news. I could feel Maddie’s growth in that moment. She may be reserved, but she articulates at the precise moment that she’s needed.

The ending of the book was so bittersweet. Hush’s grandmother is such a precious soul. I’m glad he finally got to lay his parents to rest together. It was such an emotionally beautiful moment. The ride the club organized in honor of his parents just made me love them all more.

This book was shorter than the ones before it, I wish it had of been longer because I really did enjoy it. I wasn’t ready for Sia’s, Cowboy’s and Hush’s story to be over. I feel like a little more would of gone a long way.

Also, in regards to Viking, I think the brother is bisexual. He is always messing with everyone else about it. I love the fun Cowboy has had with him about it. The whole pineapple thing from the other book was hilarious.