A review by reeyabeegale
The Italian by T.L. Swan


This is my first ever Mafia romance book, which I read for one of the challenges during #ClanRomanceReadathon.

I had a different expectation with Mafia romance, I thought it would be action-packed with a lot of rescuing and threats, wars between families. I still had that here but The Italian had a more dramatic flare that I was expecting — it dealt with love and family affairs.

It was a good reading experience, I liked that though Enrico was rough with Olivia when they sleep together, it’s not violating. Of course I wouldn’t want it for myself, but it’s fiction and there are people who enjoy this in real life too.

I’m only giving this 4 stars because of a few reasons:

1. I wish Jennifer’s true identity wasn’t revealed prior, it took the element of surprise.
2. That Sergio thing was predictable, I wasn’t surprised at all.
3. I wish Enrico cut-off from Sophia completely — knowing that Ferraras marry for life, it takes away from the idea of Enrico’s faithfulness altogether.
4. That ending was good but it was too convenient, and it felt rushed.

I’m hoping to read the next book, seems like Guilano will be getting his own story — however, I have a hunch that I’d figured out one of the twists there yet again. Hoping I’m wrong so I get to enjoy his story too.