A review by rhodaj
Invitation to Ruin by Bronwen Evans


As I won this book as part of First Reads, I would firstly like to thank the author for the opportunity to read and review this book!

Firstly, I have to say that I like historical fiction, however am not a fan of the romance genre. This book certainly sounded interesting enough for me to enter the competition though, although the historical part of it was of more interest to me. Having said that, I am no expert on time periods etc - I just enjoy the genre :-)

Ok, on to Invitation to Ruin.....I really enjoyed it! There were a few parts that were a little gushy to me, including near the end (I won't spoil it for others by saying why) and although I'm no prude, every male character seemed to have an erection 90% of the time, which was a little excessive to me.

The storyline was good, although not overly surprising, however the thing that really draws you in to this story are the characters. I admired the characters, I liked them and I felt close to them, as if they were people that I knew! I wanted to know what happened to them, because I liked them! Both of the main characters, Melissa & Anthony were strong characters, and were extremely well developed.

I think the author has done a really good job on her debut novel and I would look out for her work again. I can honestly say I have made it through a romance novel now without any eye-rolling to the heavens :-)