A review by wildfaeriecaps
A Spark of White Fire by Sangu Mandanna


This book was amazing. Spectacular. Phenomenal. To be honest with you, I lack the words to encompass how I feel about it.

It has been a very long time since a book has affected me like this one did. It wasn't the same as being caught up in the action (though I was). Or being emotionally attached to the characters (look, I cried at a very specific thing that happened to someone but I refuse to spoil it for you!). How do I explain this? I am familiar with the Mahabharata. Like, I know the story. Who lives and who dies and all about the war to come. And yet.. throughout this *masterfully written* novel I did not feel confident in my knowledge. I could not, at any point, tell you with certainty what was going to happen. In the moments where I was not reading, I was reeling. It was like a whole new set of cogs had been added to my mind and they would not. stop. turning.

I adore this book. It is everything I could have asked for and more. This book has caused me to finally stop and consider myself honestly. I guess I do like science fiction after all. The biggest questions, however, remains: how will I survive without book two until September when it's released? I just don't know..