A review by pussnb00ks
Bleed Like Me by Christa Desir


Ok... That was journey.
If you're ever asked to describe a toxic relationship, Gannon and Brooks are a prime example.
The beauty of this novel is that the protagonist is not the only confused about the affects the boy is having on her. As a reader you are pulled back and forth between hating Brooks and appreciating the small ways in which he "helps" Gannon.
Gannon becomes a very realistic character, and her feelings suck you right in.
All in all, the story gripped me from page one. Really enjoyed it and will probably pick up again for another devastating read.
I cannot wait to check out some of Christa Desir's other work.


1) i was expecting some sort of resolution between Gannon and her family, especially with her brothers. They play a big part in the story, but in the end i was hoping for a miraculous sibling reunion and a happy family. But then i realized that that would be too easy. The end is a lot more realistic that your expectations and you have to accept it.
2) Im not entirely sure (and i could be completely wrong), but from what i got from what Brooks said... did he get sexually assaulted in juvie? AGAIN i could be wrong... but thats what i got from what he said.
3) There were times where Gannon's pain felt so real, it was almost too real. It took me a while to really understand why she was the way she was. At first I thought it was kind of ridiculous that the reason for all of her issues was the adoption of her brothers, but the more you get to see of the family dynamic, the more you begin to understand it all. The time Gannon and Brooks spend in Minneapolis was heart wrenching. Gannon felt so realistic and her emotions jumped out of the page and straight into my heart.
4) the scenes where Brooks and Gannon have their "cutting ritual" were so disturbing. The atmosphere that Desir creates around it is so captivating you get a little disgusted with yourself.