A review by m3l89
The Sudden Departure of the Frasers by Louise Candlish


This is a book I have picked up so many times but never read, until now. TSDOTF starts with Christy entering her new home alone while her husband Joe is at work. Initially the author explores that familiar feeling of being in someone else's house when you first move somewhere new and the couple speculate about what would make someone redecorate fully and then move out so quickly.

The characters were introduced gradually, which is a Godsend in books like this which involve neighbours where there are lots of characters interacting with each other frequently and where allegiances change frequently.

This wasn’t for me. I didn’t warm to any of the characters, which made the book a real slog to the finish. Disappointing for me, but I am sure Louise Candlish’s legion of fans will relish this story.