A review by laura_theaudiowasbetter
Keeper by Amy Daws


I love all these Harris brothers books and Booker's is a friends to lovers and accidental pregnancy trope. As the youngest in a large family, and born after the twins, Book has always felt like a bit like a loner in the family and constantly babied. His solace growing up was hid relationship with Poppy, the girl next door.

Poppy grew to fall in love with the boy next door and then got her heart broken by what she thought was an act of betrayal on his part. Then she runs and hides off in Germany (we could all be so lucky).

Fast forward 6 years, they still good friends but have definitely drifted apart. She needs a temporary living space...and you know what happens. It doesn't even take that love for the lust to take over and bad decisions to be made.

I personally felt not as engaged with this story, and maybe because it felt so similar to a book I had just read right before this. Or maybe it just didn't have the Cam/Tan charm. I will say Will M Watt and Charlotte Cole gave great performances as usual and Will even gave us some Scottish and Irish side characters!

I think what I was most interested in is the more we're seeing from Gareth in the ramp up to what will definitely be a heartbreaking story (up next). The extended family that comes in the 3rd act also has me wanting to go listen to Amy's back catalog!