A review by andra_mihaela_s
To Tempt an Heiress by Susanna Craig


3.25 stars!
This was a charming read! ^^

Although not as good as the first one, it was a solid story with great commentary on slavery for a romance novel!
My main issue with the book was the fact that Tempest, the heroine, is not someone I can connect with. She is way to stubborn and occasionally blind to sound advice from male characters, choosing to follow ideas from a source that can be considered questionable...I'm all for female leaders and powerful girls that take charge of their lives, but the rational over emotional theme was getting boring pretty fast.>..> Also,I'd much prefer someone that wants to be a leader but manages to take advantage of all the overbearing men in her life in order to achieve her desires...why work extra and risk everything when using your head and other's preconceptions can come in handy? (Play smart, not hard!)

Anyway, Tempest was hard to relate to, but Captain Corrvan was an ok to a good male lead. He was attentive, harsh when needed, but also giving. I liked him a lot. I also liked the fact that some side characters are queer and others actually face danger! About 60% of the book I feared that the main conflict would be solved off-page, but,thank God, it wasn't the case.

Regarding the chemistry of the two...hmm...It was ok but not something I was instantly on board with.I wanted to see some struggle with Mr Cary...Oh well, the next book seems to be his so I can cope with the disappointment.

When it comes to the slavery...I enjoyed reading Tempest been aware of the dangers a black individual faces constantly, of the injustice done to them, and actively trying to change her plantation! The open ending of the book tells me that their relationship will be hard when it comes to balancing their desires and responsibilities, a true fact that is much appreciated! ^^ Life is more than a marriage proposal and stability!

Disregarding minor inconveniences, after all this is a historical romance, not an accurate non-fiction about slavery and voyage in that time...I think this book is a good recommendation for those wanting a love story with a Caribbean setting(mindful of the people that slaved there) and a voyage on sea to colder places.
