A review by graveyardsierra
Oak King Holly King by Sebastian Nothwell


i wanna say like 3.25
i love fantasy and i enjoyed the old timey writing.
HOWEVER I have questions.

But first off let me just say, while I personally found this story and the plot enjoyable. I LOVE tension, angst, slow burn.
And the two main characters Wren and Shrike just threw them selves into this relationship. And while they were cute together, I also didn't feel the chemistry???
Idk how else to describe it. - While Shrike did tell Wren a few personal things about himself, and vice versa I feel like they didnt know a lot about each other?

ALSO give how Wren is a man from the 1800s, given he is aware he likes men and never intended to marry or do any of the typical things a man from the time period would do. Like he seems very sure of himself, but at the same time very like there is period typical homophobia.
Like in the fae realm, Wren often finds himself internally questioning like public acts of members of the same sex because he knows in England it's not appropriate. - I feel his views can be a little confusing, but maybe I just read it wrong. Cause like he struggles internally. But at the same time feels very open with Shrike.

I did like the alternating worlds, like how it took place in England but also in the fae realm, and there was a few plot lines going on. It made it interesting.

And the way the seasons/solstices change does make sense (As it's a death ritual to bring on the changes?) Although it seems the Queen decides what she sees fit at the time. - Like we learn from Tatterdemalion (who is very old and knew of the queen many years prior) that the rituals used to be different, and the queen had her heart broken and changed the rituals.
SO this brings me to say that Wren and Shrike's battle in the end of the book is fitting to please the queen. (Because her previous rituals to bring on the seasons had to do with the king sleeping with her.) So in a way I guess them like sleeping with each other pleased her in away???? I dont really know I'm trying to rationalize it lmao This kind of confused me.

ALSO I don't care if it's in the fae realm and it's part of their culture something about public sex is so off putting. - And like the way Wren's character was written I straight up NEVER would have expected that from him tbh.

The writing and descriptions were nice, although I had to google a few words cause I had no clue what they meant.

ANYWAYS my questions??????
-- Why did Shrike get antlers??? (He was born from an egg and can turn into a bird so why the antlers???)

-- How does Wren have magic?? (Given he said he copied the pentagram from a book he read, and was kind of just guessing if things would work. HOW did it work??)

-- In the beginning Shrike told Wren not to eat any food or accept offerings, OR offer anything to the fae. YET he offers part of his clothing to a wounded wolf fae. He also drinks champagne? He also eats a pomegranate? - I'm confused on this. OR is it only okay because he got permission from Shrike before hand?

-- How is Wren able to go through the fairy ring? I though Shrike had to be with him every time? Am I missing context?

-- Was Flora really a boy this whole time??? It said they were an orphan, SO were they pretending to fit in at school or something, and they just enjoyed drawing and music more than whatever boys do at university??? (This wasnt very clear?) - Like is that why they went to Canada

FINAL COMMENTS: tolhurst is a fucking creep. (but he's an old man and it seems typical of the time period.)
ew public sex

if you're looking for spice there is a few sex scenes (while flowery and not overly descriptive you still know what they are doing) BUT the last few pages of the book they actually have sex and its a bit more descriptive (this is the public sex scene in front of the queen and like the whole fae court.)

if i had my questions answered and filled in the plot holes id give the book like 3.75 maybe 4 stars. (im taking away points for no angst/tension. and public sex BUT that's personal preference.)

also another comment: i do NOT like the name shrike. lmao i read a lot of fantasy and this name is just unappealing and every time wren & him were kissing or doing stuff and he was like "oh shrike" i'd laugh cause imagine that irl like i hate the name.
his persona seems cool and badass and he dresses all dark and broody and his name is shrike. like cmon he couldve had a cool name