A review by livingpalm1
In the Company of Others by Jan Karon


All of the women in my extended family enjoyed Jan Karon's Mitford Series, and so, I joined the fan club a few years back. Jan Karon's follow-up to that series are three books called the Father Tim novels. (although I'm a bit confused about the difference, honestly.) I read the first of that trilogy, Home To Holly Springs, back in 2011 (see review in this post). After dinner with a friend a few weeks ago, discussing my own preacher father's retirement she reminded me of the Father Tim stories.

In this middle book, Father Tim and his spunky, artist wife Cynthia take a long-hoped for trip to Ireland. The story is good -- full of quirky, wounded characters who endear themselves to the prayerful Kavanaugh couple, eventually requiring priestly prayers and spiritually-attuned eyes and ears. I like the story, but have to admit -- with my own Ireland trip dreams -- I was hoping to enjoy a lot more vicarious travelling than the house-bound priest and his wife were able to provide. Guess I'll have to make my own trip a reality, instead.