A review by libraryofdreaming
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi


I find it rather hard to properly review The Star-Touched Queen. For the first quarter of the book, I didn't fully engage with the story or the characters, but to be perfectly honest, I was going through some crazy health stuff when I read it. I had a hard time diving into its world because I was so overwhelmed with real life stuff. For all that though, this was an inventive and well-written book. The prose is rather purple, but Roshani Chokshi does have a way with words. Sometimes though, it got a bit much. I was particularly baffled by one passage where she describes a horse the color of "tree trunks drenched with rain". What does that even mean?? Despite that, the world-building was so rich that I excused the occasional tangled phrase. I was absolutely entranced by the premise. A retelling of Hades and Persephone with Indian mythology?? Sign me the heck up!!

The romance had many tropes that I deeply enjoy. At times it did feel a little... hokey. The book really picked up in the second half though (or perhaps just my focus improved) and I really, really enjoyed all the magical/mythological elements. I never thought I would ever say this, but the witty demon horse was my favorite! I also really enjoyed the glimpses of the underworld. The palace and all its magical rooms were super cool. Also, the literal meaning of 'star-touched queen' was such a beautiful image. I love how the author took advantage of the Hades and Persephone myth to have some good fantasy fun.

I'm glad this was just a stand alone so all the threads were wrapped up, but I wouldn't mind taking another dip into this world, maybe with different characters. It is so extraordinary to find this blend of mythology, magic, and romance. This new fad of Arabian Nights style fantasy novels is a breath of fresh air. I am super psyched to have discovered such a creative new book. It definitely gets a thumbs up from me.