A review by jennadactyl13
River God by Wilbur Smith


This a lush, epic story of early Egypt, and is not about Cleopatra (seriously so many books about Egypt are about her). The details are lovely, and there is a little play thrown in towards the beginning summarizing some of the mythology, if you're like me and don't quite remember the stories. There's romance, adventure, an old fashioned tale of good triumphing over evil with enough of a regional flavor to keep it from being stale. I will say, though, that there were several gruesome descriptions of slaughtering animals or animals dying of pestilence that were unsettling, and I was annoying at the narrator somehow having every skill imaginable. Every time the characters needed something, it's oh, good thing I was a renowned doctor, I was a fantastic artist, I was also a priest, and great with animals. But is. Or enough to detract from a wonderful story.