A review by brents
The Doll Maker by Richard Montanari


Pretty solid detective thriller from an author I hadn't even heard of until I saw this book in an audible sale. The Philadelphia setting is pretty cool. I also like the 2 detective aspect of it, and I like both detective characters. The case itself was really interesting, and the investigation aspect was quite good. You do get small POVs from the suspects, but not in a way that gives away very much so you are still solving the case along with the detectives. And it added to the creepy atmosphere of the story.

I think what kept this from being really good for a detective book is that the resolution/climax was a bit of a letdown, and there were certainly some plot conveniences that didn't make a ton of sense. It felt like the author needed to have certain things intersect for plot reasons, but it really stretched real world plausibility.

All in all I always love to find a new detective series in the police procedural style so since my library has a few of these on audio I'll be checking out more of them.