A review by amym84
Storm Born by Richelle Mead


This is the first adult novel by Richelle Mead that I've read. I've read all of her Vampire Academy books, so I wasn't really sure what to expect with this. Eugenie Markham is a shaman. She dispells faeries back to the Otherworld or Underworld when they start causing trouble in the human world. When she notices more and more of them knowing her real name she starts to question what is happening.

I really liked this book. I think that Mead did a good job of having Eugenie come across as a strong character, powerful, she's good at what she does. I like it when the character is really good at their job and we actually see them being really good at their job. I hate it when authors talk up the hero/heroine and then through the whole book we only see them fail. Not so for Eugenie. In fact, she's called upon to use her skills and talents repeatedly throughout the book in order to protect herself from the "Gentry" (fae).

The world Mead created was very well thought out and intricate. I liked the idea of evry ruler having their land conform to their likes.

I would say that this book is definitely the world builder. There's not a big conflict throughout that's solved by the end, instead we see the start of the conflict and Eugenie dealing with it and her new powers, but nothing is resolved. I think this is going to be a case where it takes the entirety of the series (4 books) to finish everything that was started here.

Already, I have my opinion that I like Dorian better than Kiyo. I know the love triangles are always debated so why not have my own opinion? Dorian, for all that Eugenie claims she does trust him, seems the most trustworthy, therefore the one with Eugenie's best interest at heart. We know the lie that Kiyo tells and even though Eugenie forgives him doesn't negate that it was there, yet she trusts him more that Dorian. I think she needs to take a step back and look at this fact. Of course, this too will probably only be resolved in the last book.

I'm very interested in continuing the series. I'm glad that it's already complete that way there will be no waiting to find out what happens next. Until Then!