A review by dianagastelum
Creatura by Nely Cab


I'm honestly not completely sure yet how I feel about this book. I didn't hate it but I certainly did not love it. I thought that the overall premise was interesting which is what kept me reading til the end but I did have several problems with it - most having to do with the relationship in this book.

For starters, I did not like the relationship between the 2 main characters. The main guy, David, definitely had an insta-love connection to the main character, Isis, which annoyed me greatly. The main character didn't immediately fall for David's "charm" but once she did (which was still pretty quickly) their relationship was super cheesy, irritating and unrealistic. I felt like their relationship became too serious way too quickly to the point where the guy was giving up his entire life essentially to be with the main character. Not only that but at one point Isis, was considering marriage! Marriage to a guy she has only known for a couple of months.

As for the characters themselves, I honestly did not like any of them. It's not that I hated them all it's just that I didn't feel anything for the characters. One character I did not like though was David. I think that he was supposed to come off as chivalrous, charming and sweet but I felt that he was arrogant and extremely controlling of Isis. At one point he even told her that he hated it when other guys just looked at it. What!? There were also time when I didn't even like the main character. For instance, she was so indecisive. One moment she's mad then she's suddenly calm and totally forgiving of anything (even violence and attacks towards herself and her friends).

Overall, I don't think I will be continuing on with this story and it was just an "ehh" book for me unfortunately.