A review by yodamom
Heartmate by Robin D. Owens


I struggled with this one. I was tempted to drop it in the beginning. There were just too many details. I was over whelmed with information and strange names. There was a lot in inner dialog, about class, clothes, textures, powers.....after a 100 pages I had little idea what was going on. I let the obnoxious details go and just keep reading. The characters held my interest, they were unique in their creation, aliens from another world living on earth. i think that it, I was really blanking out, mind numb reading for at least a 1/3 of the book. This is one long read too.
Why did I stay with it ?
The main couple, they fought well, and stubbornly. He was a pigheaded controlling Alpha He-Man Noble, orphan and Ex-street rat turned Noble. She was an orphan, looking for family, filled with fear, wanted only safety, only to have everything turned 180 by the noble beast. Their battles, stupid little mating games and snippy moments kept me going.I was also wondering when they would finally do it. Yes, I am that way.
They also had cats, I love books with cute little side kicks. These cats weren't really cute. They were weird, jewel encrusted talking fur balls and lacked the snark I look for in my beasties. I'm not sure if I liked them or not, they ended on a null.
Sounds like I hated it I didn't. I had fun. It is a B list book for me.