A review by bookofcinz
Blackgirl on Mars by Lesley-Ann Brown


A brutally honest memoir that makes you question, what lies society is telling you and how you can unlearn them

Having read and fell in love with Lesley-Ann Brown’s collection of essays, Decolonial Daughter I could not wait to read her memoir and I am so happy I was an early reader. In BLACKGIRL ON MARS Lesley-Ann Brown talks about everything. It is so refreshing reading a memoir written by a Black Caribbean woman because I feel far too often we are told, “this is family business” “no one needs to know about this…” and to see Brown talk about her experience and how they shaped her life made it a truly amazing read.

The memoir explores the author finding her place in the world especially as a Black Woman from the Caribbean living in Denmark. Surrounded by so many white people, she talks about what it felt like being a teacher for students she could not impact how she wanted to. We read about the death of her Grandmother who she calls home and how going back to Trinidad and Tobago impacted her outlook. I really enjoyed hearing how she coped being sent back to Trinidad at a very early age to live with her grandmother and how their relationship shaped who she is today.

If you love a memoir that also teaches, I strongly recommend picking up BlackGirl on Mars. It is honest, well written, smart, hilarious and deeply moving.