A review by eb00kie
Romancing the Werewolf by Gail Carriger


“How do you feel about purple curtains?”

“What shade of purple?”

“My point exactly!”

Biffy being a misunderstood artist of interior decoration is beautifully reminiscent of the main series. The author can't write slash worth a brown set of curtains, though, so in that, the novella is a bit dull.

Channing had, under most circumstances, a decidedly overwhelming effect on females of all species. Until he opened his mouth, of course.

Channing's hilarity is criminally understated. He needs his own book! [b:Oh, wait...|39682023|How to Marry a Werewolf (Claw & Courtship, #1)|Gail Carriger|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1522383156l/39682023._SX50_.jpg|57042640]