A review by flogigyahoo
Forty Thieves by Thomas Perry


Thomas Perry wrote such good books in the past--The Butcher's Boy series, Metzger's Dog and other standalones, even a few in the Jane Whitefield series, I thought Forty Thieves would prove to be of the same high quality. It was not. The story begins by centering on two couples, one ex-cops turned private eyes and the other, a pair of hitmen tasked to kill the private eyes when they get too close while investigating the mysterious and intriguing death of an Afro-American scientist. After a few chapters of cat-and-mouse chases, the plot disintegrates into something quite different and rather dull. The two couples are portrayed so similarly one loses track of who are the good guys and who the bad, an interesting plotline in itself, but the characters never are fully drawn, their personalities dry and spare and totally interchangeable. The rest of the plot is simply chase after chase after chase. I did not like this one at all.