A review by wildfaeriecaps
Saints Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker


Okay first, I adore this series. Like seriously am head over heels for it. So when I heard Cash was getting a book, you can believe I was excited. A lot of best friends to lovers hit my feels but have way too much "do they/don't they" angst for me. It was such a relief to not endure that here. Yes, there was still tension and uncertainty, but the pay-off wasn't held hostage from the reader until the very end and for that, I am so grateful.
Add into that an amazing background plot with twists I somehow didn't see coming and I couldn't help but be hooked. I read this all in one day and know that it will join the rest of the series in my frequent re-reads list.
The tease of Rue and Seth was *chef's kiss* and I can't wait for Own and Tyler to get their mess settled. As for Keegan...I really hope we get a book for him as well.