A review by minimicropup
Brother by Ania Ahlborn

Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
This is what I call ‘heavy’ horror (irl, sad, grief, tragic type stuff). I think I went in thinking this would be unhinged, sheltered, inbred cannibal family across the board…almost as if it’s all they ever knew and were kinda close and thought it was all normal and we’re a fly on the wall watching how they live their day to day life with hits of body and food horror. Instead it’s so sad. We have a main character who has had almost every single terrible thing that can happen to someone thrown at him since childhood. And there was so much emotional, mental, and physical torture within the family, especially between the brothers. Great writing, definitely captures the scene and horrors, but it’s all so tragic, sad, heavy, and deep that it just wasn’t for me. 

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