A review by alwaysbooking
Tangled Twosome by Meghan Quinn


“Make mistakes, tell the worst truth rather than the best lie, love hard, and be the better man.”

Okay… Racer is my favorite of all time. I thought Andrew was but now I know it’s Racer. While during the book Georgiana and Racer come off like oil and water, that is just their chemistry. Racer is unbelievably loyal. Especially to anyone in his inner circle, once you are inside this circle there is no one going back. His personality is so funny and tender at the same time. The love he has for his friends showed up in the previous book My Best Friend’s Ex with Tucker & Emma, however in this book you get to delve into the relationships even more. You see how much more he cares for everyone, and how even the small things are precious to him. His life is so hard but he just smiles through it, and those people who smile through the pain, those are the toughest people!

He spreads his arms out wide and soaks in more. “it’s called living. Life is short, Georgie. You never know when your time is up, so spend every waking moment you have experiencing what life has to offer. Our clothes will dry, but your memory of this moment will live forever.”

Georgiana seems like a typical high society girl but is an amazing hard-working woman. She wants to break the mold in her family. She wants to branch out and start her own business instead of relying on a man to support her. I think that it’s really great that she doesn’t take crap from Racer or basically anyone in this book. It was great how you would think that since she had everything basically handed to her before this point that she had a great childhood. However, she has had a really complicated time of it, meanwhile Racer was brought up with a very loving father. I loved her journal of words… they were amazing. I have no idea where the author came up with these words or the idea but it was perfect.

And men run the business world? Screw that.

We’re living in a world where women can flourish, where we can seize an opportunity and make the most of it, a world where despite gender, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation every person the right to succeed, to strive for a better life. All it takes is encouragement, determination, and the helping hand of an adoring fan.

I’m not the naïve one. My father is.